I, too, am leaving for the Iditarod very soon. Saturday morning at 6:00 my plane takes off for Dallas, Seattle, and Anchorage, due to land in Alaska at 4:30 pm. There was so much going on in my mind today, mainly the never ending question, "Do I have EVERYTHING for my sub ready?" I found the last Iditarod assignment my students did- a musher wordle- and xeroxed them to give the mushers when I see them. It was hardly a month ago when I found out I was selected as a 2014 Teacher on the Trail Finalist and I knew I would be swamped from that moment on.
But, what did I do? I volunteered to be a shelter dog transport driver to help get some great dogs to their new homes in the northern USA. I was not anticipating the sheer joy I have experienced doing this small, yet significant, part to aid so many canines. So much of my life revolves around dogs in some capacity and who would have thought I would be so immersed in any of it? I guess when a person starts teaching about the Iditarod the first day of school in August then there is truly an obsession of some sort! Hey, after meeting some of the top names in the mushing world who could wait until the second day of school? I also wanted to show the kids the fun art I did to give Iditarod HQ in celebration of their 40th race anniversary.

So, I will pack my suitcase tonight (after clothes come out of the dryer), triple check my list of things to make sure I have in my carry-on, make sure I have Albert Lewis' book,
Born to Run, in my backpack, and gather up all the memory cards I have for my camera. The last, and most important, thing is to make sure I have ALL the electronic cords necessary for: phone, computer, iPod, external harddrive, and battery charger. Karen and Barbara: I will not have too many, or too few, cords this time!

During my adventure in Alaska, I will attempt to post photos and tell ya'll how I'm doing. I will not promise anything. After all, I have vets to watch, kennels to visit, meetings to attend, a presentation to give, volunteering to do, dogs and their mushers to meet, great food to eat, and a little thing called HANDLING A DOG AT THE START ON SUNDAY March 3rd! I've been waiting for years to come and it is finally here!
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