Monday, February 25, 2013
Day Two Anchorage, Alaska
I finally got to see the last stage of the famous International Sprint Sled Dog Race during the noon to two time period today. Starting at noon small teams of huskies taking off for 25 miles through Anchorage to Campbell airstrip and back. It was fun to see these dogs racing with all the enthusiasm of any athlete who has trained for just a moment as this. 
Out they went and back in they came...tails wagging or flying, feet kicking up snow, and several had smiles on their faces...yes, yes they do too smile! These dogs were enjoying themselves!

My morning started with a 1.5 mile walk to a Lutheran church. I passed a nice little park on the way at 7:45, the lights were still on, showing a beautiful yet simple display of native culture. Once inside the church I was warmly welcomed. We had communion after the sermon and that was nice because I will miss it next Sunday.
Then I walked back to the hotel, got my first reindeer hot dog and enjoyed a trip to the winter carnival. Yep, I'm on an open air ferris wheel in the winter. And look at those mountains behind me. Is it any wonder I love it here? I got involved in the local blanket toss also. Look at how high those little kids flew! It was great!

I'll now be posting on the official Iditarod website until I get home. To follow my adventures please go to
Saturday, February 23, 2013
Fireworks in February!
Flying in to the airport was absolutely beautiful! The huge ice packs on the Knik Arm were breathtaking (for someone who has never them before)and I did not think to have my camera ready. It was in the overhead bin and unfortunately I had a window seat so I wasn't going to ask someone to get up just to get my camera. It was pretty obvious which parts of the water were deeper than others, as some of the ice was very very thick, while others were barely frozen over. Such a nice intro to Alaska this time around.
I took the people mover bus to the bus depot and walked to the hotel. It was almost 6:00 when I arrived so I put my stuff down and took a walk around. Tonight there was a fireworks display, in conjunction with the Fur Rondy event going on this weekend. It was also snowing so they looked beautiful. And no, I didn't have my camera ready then either. By the time I would have gone back to the 15th floor to get it the fireworks would have been over. There is a carnival set up near my hotel and these people are out riding rides and eating cotton candy! It was a sight to behold, as I was not expecting so many people out, especially out with strollers rolling through thick snow.
I got back to my hotel, went up to meet one of my fellow competitors, and had hardly been there long when a friend from high school who lives here calls me. We arranged to meet for coffee, and actually spent our time looking for a parking space, talking all the while. Finally after circling a bit we found one across from the place we wanted to eat in. We had a nice time talking about the last 30 years of our lives. I had a great time and hope we can get together on Monday night before I leave.
Sunday I'm heading off for church, then it's back to theHilton area to see the third Fur Rondy sprint race start. Oh the sound those dogs will be making! Who knows what else the afternoon will bring. At 7:00 pm I have my first meeting with the Iditarod Education Director and with that an exciting week filled with surprises, challenges, some frustration I expect, and loads of fun with mushers, dogs, and other teachers.
Sitting in Seattle: February 23, 2013
So, here I am, sitting in Seattle waiting for my last flight of my new adventure. This installment will have no photos, however I can assure you there will be photos soon and plenty of them. You will see more dogs than ever before...finely tuned racing machines, pulling on their harnesses with a frenzy. Yes my friends, it is Iditarod time! But I digress...
I do not care where you are people have to pull out their phones and focus on them more than having actual contact with another human. On both flights so far as soon as the flight attendant announced electronic devices could be turned on out come the phones and the fingers were flying. I am seriously concerned about people who have to get their Angry Birds fix before even stepping off the plane! I think the ones which really crack me up are the people who call their friends, in the terminal, and tell them they will be out in a few minutes, then text them as the line starts moving to tell them the line is moving! I am so low tech regarding my phone. I'm very glad to not be a slave to it.
I've seen a few Iditarod shirts and sweatshirts in this airport so I'm guessing they are either going where I am or wish they were going where I am! I talked to a few people while waiting for the last flight and they asked me if I was musher. That brought me a silent laugh...if only I was a musher! What a great opportunity to explain how this Last Great Race is used as a wonderful educational tool. All wished me well and said to enjoy all of that cold weather. Thank you...I most definitely will!
Back to the technology I see: Hardly anyone reads a real book now and I find that somewhat sad. There is just something about turning pages, not clicking the next screen, that makes a book enjoyable to me. I am now reading "We the Living" by Ayn Rand. Someone gave it to me so I figured now was as good a time as any to read it. I've passed page 56 so I guess it has kept my interest enough to continue. As I type this I see only two people with books. Their companions all have Nooks or Kindles or whatever other brand of reader. I do know if I drop my book I will not being paying a big ole wad on money for another one!
I've been here for about two hours so I need to get up and walk around. Next time you see me I'll be in Anchorage, living the dream, and doing a little shopping in Once in a Blue Moose Gifts.
Thursday, February 21, 2013

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